Message To My People ~ The Prophets Do Speak
Message To My People ~          The Prophets Do Speak 

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           POLITICS REVIEW          

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For political messages with a religious perspective go to The Three Swords on side links                                 ----------------------



Dear participant, I had just written an article a few weeks ago called THE TROJAN HORSE*, saying how our enemies are emboldened in their attempt to destroy our blessed country. Sad to say that they far pass the gates and too many cannot see it.  The constant negative rederick of the left against Trump has finally hit its mark.  Of course is not a secret of their desire of how they want things to go in this country, its obvious by what is being said throughout the liberal media and their corrupt politicians heated devices.  The Democrats know that if you repeat something many times, people will receive it as truth.  The demonization of Trumps persona is what trigger the shooter to commit such a crime.  In part they are also to blame for those lives lost in the Republican rally , look at all the evil they have done to this man.  The Lord said that death and life is in the power of the tongue (Pro 18:21, Jam 3:5, 6).  Let not a true Christian or one of good conscience follow the Democrats or a Pharisee* in their hell fire destruction (Rev 21:8). Take back the country at the voting booth.  Thanks to God their plan did not come to fruition.


Posted July 15, 2024

*Pharasee- False teacher                                                      *Trojan Horse- See The three swords




The illegitimate Trump trials and sentencing orchestrated by the Democratic Party is an attempt to unlawfully interfere with the national presidential elections.  The allegations of petty misdemeanors and turning them into high crimes, stripping Trump from his constitutional rights of due process. All this is interference and stopping Trump from running in the elections.


This is also the state of New York undermining the rights of all the other states, their rights to choose a candidate of their choice.  Is nothing less than the Communist Party of America (Democratic Party) doing just like their sister Party, the Communist Party of Russia what they are famous of doing.


This is a wake-up call for the Christian Church and those of good conscience, to do what is right at the polls; and take vengeance by denying the left and its candidates the power to destroy the Republic and our freedom.


  • OPEN BORDERS                                                This is one topic that is difficult to address.  Being that most of those crossing the border are good hard working people looking for a better life financially. Nevertheless, for reasons of national security, the Constitution, and states rights; the borders must be closed.                                                             
  • There are many reasons why at this time the borders must be closed.  First, we don't know many thousands of our enemies and criminals are crossing the border, putting in danger the citizens of the land a great burden on the other states.  Second, puts heavy financial burden on the rest of the country.  Third, we have already imigrationg laws that all inmigrants have to follow for citizenship. The president cannot change inmigration laws as he wishes. 
  • The root of the matter is that President Biden and his Party are reading the writing on  the wall, concerning their future as the Party of the people.  They see that most African Americans, and Hispanics dont share their corrupt inmoral values and are leaving the Democratic Party by the millions.  The Party's leaders are watching this exodus of their voters and are replacing them with foreign illegals as their future voters.  This wave of new voters will be ready to vote as soon as the Democratic leaders find a way to brake some law to make it happen.  This a wake up call for the church and those of good concience to stop the corruption at the polls.   


Posted 6/5/2024


Please scroll down




   This face of the police mug shot in the Atlanta jail has become the face of freedom.  For all who love freedom, prosperity, and democracy. This is the face you want on your magazines, newspapers,  historical books, posters, and all billboards over the world. This face has become the face of prosperity for all people.  For the hard working poor that want success, for dream seekers this is the face that should be on your wall.  For blacks, whites, brown, yellow, avocados and others.  Do not be deceived by the opposition.  This face of the orange men is the face of freedom and prosperity, in these uncertain times we are going through.



      See this Exodus comentary at THE THREE SWORDS link and scroll down.





   The Biden administration has been plague with failures.  As we celebrate Independance Day 2023, we put in the back of our minds the many failures of Bidens administration at least for this holiday weekend.  We will honor those who made this country great along with our soldiers and those who died in battle.  No doubt there has been too many failures with Biden, as he led the US run like a scare dog with its tail between his feet in Afganistan.  We just added one more disaster to Biden's failures, the open borders policy causing great security risk to our nation.  We will look at seven of his failures.


  • Open borders policy
  • The political persecution of a presidential candidate, Mara lago, and Russian collusion 
  • The disastrous retreat and death of many of our soldiers in Afganistan ​​ 
  • Stands with pro abortion rights ​​
  • The incarceration of patriots (Jan. 6) 
  • Intimidated the black race (Your not black)
  • Invited t.wo LGBTQ men in shameful apparels to the White House                                                                              ----------------------                                                                                                                                                                                                        NOT ALL IS LOST                                 


   We give thanks to God for he is under control of all things.  In this recent midterm elections we saw the mercies of God at work in this country of America (USA).  The Republicans where able to take control of the House of Representatives, even with all the lies and corruption that came out of the Democratic Party.  We the church know that Satan is the prince of this world and that he has a lot of power in this world.  Satan’s power is only as strong as the people alouds him to have.  In this election the margins of victory where very small in comparison to what many predicted.  Because of Biden’s failure, many thought there would be a landslide victory.  This small percentage of victory is the reason why we must continue to cry out to God for this country.  There is still too many people that don’t care enough for this country and are willing to have it go under.  Yet there are some that can be persuaded to do the right thing.  So we must continue to pray, and vote according the way God would lead us until he returns with all his Glory.  Dear brethren don't be found in the camp of the anti-God as such is the Democratic Party.  


   Pray for the country and church, may God bless you for being connected to the truth and this web page.  May God bless you.


In the Lord

Nelson Cintron  




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