One of the last words Jesus said to the mothers as he was carrying the cross for his crucifixion was, ‘Don’t weep for me, weep for your children’ (Lk 23:28-31).
Jesus saw the events of what was to come to the children of that day and todays children, Entire families with children had to flee to save their lives from the persecution of that day (Acts 12:1-4, 7:58-60, 8:1-4) In these times also we need to spend time weeping for our children, for they are the main target of the enemy.
Satan does his best to attract them and brainwash and separate them from the traditions of their parents especially the faith. Biden and Kamala Harris using the scheme of student forgiveness loan to deceive them, and giving out money to buy their vote and loyalty, she got the mind of Satan himself when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness (Mt 4:1-10).
Young college student being attack by the far left and Hamas sympathizers, Biden and Kamala just turn their backs to the problem. On the issue of the unborn they favor up to nine month abortion period. She also supports the government having full parental rights on your children and sex change. Yes participant, she is a carbon copy of a Jezebel (1K 16:31, 18:4,13, 21:8-15). She backtracks on most important decision she supported before. She is devises and deceitful, that’s why you cannot comfortably rely on her for your young children. If we ever had to go to war with a foreign power.
In today’s society is even more difficult to raise God fearing children. Throughout America we see the young ones protesting against the establishment and traditions. Young people are leaving traditional churches looking for a place that excites them more. The internet, mega churches and T. V. evangelist attracts them more than the small town church. There is more that captivates the mind in today’s society than yesterday
All over America in the Universities students are being taught to be antisemitic against the Jews. Bias against Jews is rising, that’s why we must pray for our children. We the older generation may not be here when the anti-Christ takes power, but our children will, and he will be after their little minds. Thats why we must teach them the Bible and pray for them, so they can make the right decisions when the time comes. So, lets us pray and fast for them that they may stand strong in the faith of Jesus and resist the spirit of the anti-Christ. To God be the glory forever amen.
In the Lord
Bro Nelson Cintron
Posted 10/26/2024
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