Dear heavenly father, I thank you for your loving kindness, longsuffering and faithfulness to us all. Thank you for demonstrating your love at the Cross of Calvary, through the sacrifice of your only begotten son Jesus Christ. Thank you for forgiving our sins and giving us the hope of eternal life. Thank you for giving us a home in the mansions above in thy eternal kingdom. Thank you for sanctifying our body, mind, soul and spirit by your eternal Holy Spirit. Thank you for supplying all our needs materially and spiritually; for your soon coming and taking us home that we may reign with you forever.
Holy Father I pray for all of those who have logged in and participated with Message to my people ~ The Prophets do Speak. Bless them with a double portion of your Holy
Spirit. Supply their needs according to all your riches in glory. That they may have more than enough, and to share with those who have very little or nothing at all.
Gracious father I specially cry out for those who are struggling with their finances, health, and spiritual life. Give them abundant grace, strength
and patience as they wait upon your faithful promises. Grant them boldness to knock at heaven’s gate, to call unto him who is at the other side and ask humbly for thy
I pray for those who may be going through diverse temptations, to be strengthen in the inner man\woman and receive deliverance through your word which is
able to build them up. Fill them with abundant grace through Calvary’s Cross to forgive one another, to reject sin and to be cleansed through thy precious blood. That we may all be children of
light as you are light.
Give strength to thy people, to stand against all darkness and to testify of you and Jesus Christ thy son whom you have sent. To continually hear your voice and be guided by it,
which is always in accord with thy Holy Scriptures, the Bible. I pray their hearts be full of joy as they wait for your soon appearing and their ears sensitive to your call and to the
sound of the trumpet at the final hour.
Righteous father I pray for those who may be offended by any words posted in this website. If by any reason they may be out of thy will o God,
concerning any subject written in these pages. That you would forgive them and open their eyes of understanding, to know what is your perfect will concerning any subject matter written
here. Cause them to hear your voice and enable them to choose right from wrong, for you are an ever loving and forgiving God.
And as the enemy comes upon the church with vengeance, as it is written in Revelations 12 and even now fights to silence the church. I pray you
would grant us boldness to speak the truth of Thy word. To encourage as many that are able, to help in whatever way they can, financially, prayers, and labors of love. To support the truth of
God’s Word. To let it ring from the rising of the sun to the setting of the sun.
Father of mercies I pray for our political leaders, help them turn to you and govern in the fear of God. I plead for this nation the United States of America. Bless her and bring her
back to the devotion she once had and when your word was lifted up in her youth. Please bring a great revival throughout the church and the nation.
Thank you heavenly father for answering my prayer in Jesus name,
In The
Nelson Cintron
Posted 708/15
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