The meaning of the word tithes biblically is ten percent of the produce of the land and of herd and sheep’s the Israelites had to offered. This portion was to be giving to the Levites. This was ordained by God for the service of the house of God and for reason the Levites had no inheritance among the tribes of Israel for God was their inheritance (Num 18:23, 24). . .
The tithes is a church tradition for more then four thousand years. This wealth portion was mandated by God for the service of the tabernacle. In present days this include the Christian church. This tithe can be giving to the one in charge of the finances, normally the minister or the secretary of the church. Besides the ten percent tithes, there was the offering of the first fruits of the land to be giving to the high priest. There were also other personal offerings giving to Jehovah. In this article we will concentrate just on the ten percent tithe giving to Jehovah, the God of heaven and earth. This tradition mainly started with Abraham the father of the faith (Gen 14:20), the faith in one supreme God and creator of all mankind. Later this tradition continued in Abraham’s descendant especially Jacob (Gen 28:22). This practice was made official in Israel by Moses de liberator of the Israelites (Num 18:21, 24).
Although at times the Israelites were not faithful in bringing the tithes to the Levites, yet Jehovah their God did not free them from this obligation. God at times would send a prophet to remind them of this mandate (Mal 3:8). That’s why we see Israel at times go wanting, famine, and suffered enemy attack because of their apostasy (Mal 3:11). When Jesus enters the scene of the time of the New Testament, he gives no orders to take this tithing out. Biblically we can see tithing from Genesis to Revelation.
In the Old Testament we can see three types of tithing.
We can see at least the first two tithes being continue from the Old to the New Testament. This tradition will be continued by the faithful churches until Christ comes the third time. Keep in mind this obligation God gave to his people, even though many would like to be free from this responsibility. To do the service of the house of God requires work. This work can be compensated with material things or money. Will explain this concept by the word of God, the Bible.
The tithes to the Levites (Num 18:21, 24, 26):
This tithe was ordained by God and instituted by Moses. This portion was specifically assigned to the Levites for their work in the tabernacle, and because they were not given inheritance among the other tribes of Israel. The people had to give this portion to the Levites right after harvest with the portion of the animals. This obligation was to all Israel. Those who were not able to give a ten percent tithe, at times gave offerings to God according as they were able to.
When Jesus arrives in the dispensation of grace, Jesus did not oppose, and he did not instruct his disciples to stop this tradition. We see Jesus scolded the Pharisees and says, when matters of the law, ‘they omitted judgement, mercy, and faith, these they should have done, without leaving the other undone’ (Mat 28:23). The words without leaving the other undone refers to the tithes. Keep in mind that Jesus focuses more about faith when he teaches. When this faith is more active in the people, the tithes is given cheerfully, from a heart that is thankful for the mercies of God. When you give in this manner, you no longer give because of the law, but of faith and love. Yes brother, if you don’t give it cheerfully and in love, you need to pray about it, because God loves a cheerful giver (2Co 9:7).
The tithes of the tithe to God (Num 18:26):
This tithe is a ten percent of the ten percent tithe that goes to the Levites. The Levites had to separate this percent and give it to Jehovah. So, the Levites also had to give tithes. This portion of tithe to Jehovah, God gave to Aaron for his service in the tabernacle (Num 18:28). They were to eat it in any place.
The tithes for the feast (Deut 14:22-24):
This tithe they had to separate for the third year and take it to the place where God has chosen to put his name and share it with the Levites, strangers, orphans and widows. I compare this tithe to the food pantries the churches make for the poor.
Dear participant:
God warns us of the risk we take when we neglect our obligation to give to the poor and needy (Mat 25:41-26). The Levites just as Ministers, Deacons, and layman, in these days are our responsibility to help with their needs (Filip 4:14-16). St Paul spoke clearly on this when he said, ‘they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel’ (1Co 9:13,14)(1Co 9:3-11). This privilege God gave to the preachers (honest preachers). Its important to give to Ministers, so they can dedicate themselves to prayer and the word of God (Acts 6:2,4).
We see that St Paul desire fruit that may abound to the Philippians account (Pilli 4:17), not that Paul desire a gift for giving them the gospel of salvation, but he wanted to see fruits from the salvation when they believed and where saved. This is two different things. For example, when the
Sower plants the seed to the ground, in time he expects growth and fruit from the plant. Paul planted the seed in the Philippians. The growth and fruits is also what God expects from us after our new birth (1P 1:23), that he work in us by the preaching of the word, gospel (Mk 16:15).
The giving of offerings and tithes:
In Proverbs 3:9 says, ‘Honor the Lord with thy substance ,……..’. When we do this, there is a blessing God wants to bestow upon us for honoring him. We see how many gave riches and lay it at the apostle’s feet (Acts 4:33-37). Jesus also gave us instruction how we should give, if we give good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, same measure shall be given to you in return (Lk 6:38). Paul tells us with what spirit we should give, cheerfully or joyfully, for God loves a cheerful giver (2Co 9:7). Here Paul says to 'give as you purposeth in your heart', if you deside to give a 10, 8, 6, 4 percent or any amount; to give it not gruging or of necesity but cheerfully. In this case God does not look to the amount, but to the spirit in which you give it. Like in the story of the poor widow, in her extreme poverty she gave all she had. When you give all you have even if is a one percent in Gods eyes that would equal to much more than a ten percent. This does not mean that God is taking away the ten percent out of the church, beacuse he knows that others are able to give the ten percent and sometimes more. This you can see in the story of the unprofitable servant (Mat 25:14-30). Here the lord gave the talents according to their abilities (Mat25:15). Yes, the majority of the church members are able to give a ten percent tithes, and those who have financial dificutliues can still give a small offering unto the Lord.
Jesus exhorts us to lay up our treasures in heaven (Mat 6:20). Obviously, we cannot send money to heaven, but we can use our money for humanitarian purposes like helping the poor, the fatherless, widows, and to the church for the advancement of the gospel with our tithes. Dear friend let not an unbeliever tell you there is no tithes, and you be let astray by their ignorance and lose your blessing at judgment day (Mat 3:10) (Mat 25:31, 32, 33, 41).
They that deny the Christian tithe use bible verses that have nothing to do with this subject. For example, they claim that the tithe is from the Old Testament and that Jesus discontinue it. Brethren, the Ten Commandments are also from the Old Testament, thou shall not kill, not steal and so on, are they going to discontinue that too. There are many of little understanding that don’t know which things are nullify and which remains. These make themselves wiser than God, don’t listen to them.
God likes to see fruits from the things he gives us. See the parable of the unprofitable servant (Mat 25:14-30) and see the teaching of the tree that gives bad fruits (Mat 3:10). This is different from salvation by faith. But remember what James says (Jas 2:17), faith without works is dead faith. God waits upon a heart full of faith and love. If the offering is not giving in this manner, he will not receive it. Yet he does not take away the obligation of giving. Like he told the Pharisees and I believe you’re not a Pharisee.
Now, besides giving cheerfully the Lord tells us how we can give the tithes to the church. Jesus rejected the spirit of the Pharisees. The high-minded proud spirit of the Pharisees that did things to be seeing of men (Lk 18: 10-14). He teaches us a better way to give, this in secret (Mat 6:4). Whether it be alms, offerings, tithes, Jesus wants us to be very discreet so as not to be seen by others. Many churches and Pastors pass the plate or call lines to the front. These practices the enemy takes advantage of for his own good. You can choose your own method, but to place your tithes in an envelope and privately give it to your Minister, we believe would be more pleasing to God.
Remember when we give to God is because he has given us multiple. In Genesis cp4 there where two that gave offerings to God, one was well received more than the other. That your offerings be accepted unto God as a sweet fragrance to his delight dear reader. May God bless you. Send us your question and commentaries by our contact link.
In the Lord
Bro Nelson Cintron
Posted 6/01/22
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