Message To My People ~ The Prophets Do Speak
Message To My People ~          The Prophets Do Speak 



   Just as Cinderella was destined to wear the crown, we too are destined to wear the crown of the kingdom of God.  Many of us know the tale of Cinderella.  How the stepmother and her two daughters made her life miserable and used Cinderella as a house servant, although she too was part of the family. Let us go together on a trip to the ancient tale and get a spiritual blessing.

    Most of us know the Greek tale of Cinderella.  After her mother died, her father took another wife, a self-center widow with two daughters with the same qualities as her.  Soon after, Cinderella had to face the cruelty of the stepmother and her two daughters.  The stepmother and her two daughters were jealous of her and made her life miserable and used Cinderella as a house servant, almost as a slave, because she was humble and more beautiful than they were.  Every day, they spent their time before the mirror beautifying themselves, because they were very jealous of Cinderella.

   One day the king of the land prepared a feast for three days and invited all the upper class to the feast, hoping that his son the prince would find a future wife.  Cinderella’s family were also invited.  The two daughters hired the best hair designer, and bought the best dresses for the feast, but poor Cinderella had to stay home for lack of clothing and shoes. She had to clean the dishes, sweep, and scrub the floor.  Cinderella’s heart was broken for she too desired to go to the ball. 

    On the feast day, the stepmother and her daughters looked upon Cinderella, laughing and mocking her for the rags she wore, and because she had to stay back cleaning the house, sweeping, and moping the floor.  So there went the two sisters richly dressed and adorned, for they also were beautiful, but not as beautiful as Cinderella.  Cinderella stayed back home crying and weeping in the garden. 

    While she cried, her fairy godmother saw her and asked her why she wept.  She told everything that happened to her godmother and continued to weep and weep. The fairy godmother sought to make her happy, and with her magical wand turned all of Cinderellas tears to joy, dressing her with beautiful clothes and pair of glass slippers fit for a princess.  

She also turned a pumpkin into a golden carriage, mice to horses, a big rat to a coachman, and lizards to footman to escort Cinderella to the feast.  But the fairy godmother told her that these blessings were to end at midnight, and that she had to be back from the feast just in time before the blessings disappeared.

Cinderella was so happy that she was able to go to the ball, even if she had to run back before the clock strike midnight.  So there goes Cinderella dressed as a princess with a pair of golden slippers and a golden carriage with horses, and coachman and footman.  

    She hoped that the palace prince might notice her and possibly dance with her.  She enters the palace so majestically, and all eyes are fixed upon her, even the prince could not take his eyes off her for she was the most beautiful damsel in the ball.

   Cinderella’s stepsisters could not even recognize her for she looked extremely beautiful.  They were furious and jealous seeing the damsel dance the night away with the handsome prince and hoping the ball may end soon.  All was going great for Cinderella that she almost forgot what her fairy godmother told her, that all the blessings would end at midnight.  

    She ran out the ball hoping to make it in time before all the blessings disappeared, the princess’ clothing, the golden slippers, and the golden carriage with servants.  Poor Cinderella ran so fast that she lost one of her slippers at the palace stairs but had no time to go back for it.

    The prince went after Cinderella, but only found her golden slippers on the stairs.  The prince had determined the owner of the golden slipper would be his bride, hoping it belonged to the damsel he danced with at the feast.  He had many damsels try the slipper on but was not able to get a perfect fit.  It was later revealed to the prince the direction where the owner of the slipper ran to, and he set off to go to the place where the damsel lived.                   

   When he came to Cinderella’s house, he asked who the slipper belonged to, but the evil stepmother would not let Cinderella come out and try the slipper on, but only let her evil two daughters try them on.  The two daughters failed the test for they did not have a perfect fit even with their mother’s trickery.  The father concluded it must belong to his daughter, the poor servant girl.  When she tried it on, it was a perfect fit.   

  The prince immediately recognized they belonged to  that beautiful damsel he danced with at the feast.  The stepmother and her two daughters got even more jealous of Cinderella.  Luckily for Cinderella she was made a princess next to her prince in the kingdom forever. 

Commentary by Nelson Cintron:

   Cinderella’s destiny to reign is like our own spiritual destiny (Eph 1:4-5). The stepmother like Satan tries all his evil tricks on us so we may not inherit the crown (Rev 3:11).  The two stepsisters, like selfishness and jealousy (SS 8:6,) and the mother as pride (Prov 29:23) are forever working also to make us their servants (Jn 8:34-36).  The father, like one who has lost his spiritual vision (Prov 29:18), also works against our life that we may not reign.  The father, though he was living in the same house, could not see the cruelty of the stepmother and her daughters (Mk 8:18)


   Our God like magic with one of his fingers not a wand turns all our misfortunes around to blessings (Ps 30:11).  Not only blessings but also puts our enemies under our feet, pride, selfishness, and jealousy (Ps 60:12, Exo 23:27).  Though in this world we are made servants (Lk 12:37), and our faith tried by fire (1P 1:7); if we stay humble like Cinderela that chariot of fire will raise us up to be with our prince and king forever  (1Co 15:52). 


    The Holy Ghost is preparing our royal garments white, with a golden faith of gold tested in the fire, to meet our prince (Jesus) to reign forever (1Thesa 4:17).  Though this story is a fairy tale, symbolically Cinderella is a type of the church, and the prince is a type of Jesus.  Only one thing dear participant, our story is real as real can get.  May your story be seen in heavens on that glorious day.  May God bless you.  


In the Lord

Bro Nelson Cintron                                                         

Nov 30,2023               



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