Message To My People ~ The Prophets Do Speak
Message To My People ~          The Prophets Do Speak 








   Is kind of like a vision I saw in the tarry meeting. The Lord is speaking to me about surrendering my will to do his will, and do you know how that there is a part of the song.We are not going to sing it today in the meeting but, take me higher into your presence says the song that says, let my will be lost in thine, let my will be lost in thine. And as I was meditating upon that, it was almost like I saw a cord, and it was two strings in the cord, one was kind of the will of God, and the will of Jesus, and one was mine. 


   And as these you know, these cords where being intertwine together, it was something, then I just received an anointing. I can see that intertwining of that will, it was my will was gone, it was like I was to be, I was to be coming one with the Lord.  And it was such a beautiful peace that came into my heart when the Lord spoke to me that. 


   And I want to praise God, because I didn’t even realize you know this song, I ask someone you know if they had a hymn about on their heart, and this is the song and then I just right now when I was looking at it ‘one with himself’, I cannot die hallelujah, so our life can be hid with Christ today, and we can live forever, one day eternally hallelujah because of Jesus.  Shall we praise our Jesus Christ, for doing that in all of our lives, hallelujah, our will be lost in his today hallelujah.   OUR WILL BE LOST IN THINE


This vision belongs to a sister from a local church.


Commentary by Bro Nelson:


Dear brethren in these end times the Lord is sending out his word to his people, by dreams and visions (Acts 2:17, Num 12:6), prophesies, personal experiences, and the preaching of his word (Mt 10:7, 2Tim 1:6, Mk 16:15), and especially the Bible.  We all must surrender our will to the Lord in order for our relationship with him to work perfectly (Mt 11:28-30).  As we do that, our wills like separate cords will intertwine with God and Jesus to make one solid core united with him in our relationship.  And as our will be intertwined with his, we will be hid in Christ (Col 3:3)


   From then on it will not be us but Christ in us (Gal 2:20, Col 1:27), filling us with his peace and meekness and holiness (Mt 5:5, Mt 11:29).  Jesus was hid in the Father, to do the will of the Father, and the Father did his will through Jesus (Jo 4:34, Phi 2:13).  Intertwining cords is not knotting or tying cords. Jesus does not lock you to him because he has set us free (Jo 8:36).  Jesus calls us to walk with and to reason with him (Isa 1:18).  This relation is more like an intertwined relationship like in the vision.  This is like flowing with Jesus, like walking with Jesus, wherever he goes you go (Mt 4:19-21, Col 2:6-7); like the bride and the bridegroom forever.  This is a high calling, for our will to be intertwined with his


   Dear brethren don’t let those cords loosen, those cords must be as tight as possible, otherwise our relationship will fall apart.  Like the wife and husband, it must grow as time passes by.  This vision is a message not only for the sister who had the vision, but to the entire church, to be hid in Christ, and to walk with him wherever he goes and leads.  May God bless you. 


Let us be Glad and rejoice and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready (Rev 19:7).


Bro Nelson Cintron

Posted 8/27/2024 


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